It’s a Terrible Science Fiction Writing Reading Event! (You bring the writing, yours or a published author’s work – and you, or our readers, will bring it to life… as much as possible, anyway.

Come on out and bring your favorite terrible scifi/fantasy stories and books! (Steampunk not required.) Give us your best (worst?) dramatic readings! Let us all enjoy (is that the right word?) these pearls of literature!

Here’s an excerpt from the perpetual favorite, “Eye of Argon”:

“Due to his high succeptibility following the siezure, the priest was transformed into a raving maniac bent soley upon reaking vengeance. With lips curled and quivering, a crust of foam dripping from them, the acolyte drew a long, wicked looking jewel hilted scimitar from his silver girdle and fled through the aperature in the ceiling uttering a faintly perceptible ceremonial jibberish.”

Now, not everything is quite that poetic. But we think you’ll find the artistry enthralling.

…okay, probably not, but this is WAY too much fun.