(Our absinthe tasting requires a separate ticket, as we need to cater your alcoholic beverages. Must be 21+, of course.) What makes absinthe tastings so much fun?
Well, it ain’t the fact that voice to text keeps trying to change this into “absence tastings”, which doesn’t sound like any fun at all.
It might be partly due to the fact that we follow modern and American customs. That is, at many traditional tastings for intoxicating beverages, one delicately spits out the beverage aftertaste in, so as not to become very, very silly.
The purpose of our tastings is not to get bombastulated,  but a little ebullientlce does keep things lively.
 The green fairy of absinthe contains wormwood, said to be a hallucinogen. Absinthe itself is said to be a beverage for madman, poets, lovers, dreamers… wait, that’s the Rainbow Connection. Never mind. 
If this subject is of interest, please let us know. We would love to bring back our tastings if you would enjoy them.
A wise man once said, in wine is truth, in absinthe are interesting lies. Don’t you want to find out what they are?