“The Criminologist:
[reading from dictionary] “Emotion: Agitation or disturbance of mind; vehement or excited mental state.” It is also a powerful and irrational master. And from what Magenta and Columbia eagerly viewed on their television monitor, there seemed little doubt that Janet was, indeed… its slave.”

~William Shakespeare*, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”

The Rocky Horror Picture Show, often known as RHPS among people who hate having to typing “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” repeatedly, has influences the lives of unusual people like ourselves for years.

Join our panel of longtime Rocky lovers, participants, fans, and other crazed midnighters for a reminiscent discussion of Rocky Horror, what it’s meant to us, what we love about it, and whether or not that one thing Columbia does really is a wardrobe malfunction or if Little Nell is just that cheeky.

(People who don’t know Rocky are also welcome! But we’re not sure how technical the discussion will get. Rocky Horror discussions tend to be quite unpredictable. That’s what we like about them.

* We know. It’s possible that it was actually written by Marlowe. Or Francis Bacon. Or Hatsune Miku.